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How to protect your retirement during divorce

Divorce impacts your financial and emotional health, and if you are older or have significant assets, the financial impact can be staggering. If you face a divorce, one of your most important concerns may include protecting your retirement accounts. These are some...

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Dividing a medical practice in a Texas divorce

Divorce can present unique challenges for professionals who own businesses or practices, including medical practitioners in Texas. Dividing a medical practice during a divorce can be a complex process that requires careful consideration of various factors. This...

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Tragic mistakes of a high asset divorce

The challenges of divorce grow exponentially with high net worth couples. The marital estate is worth more and there is much at stake when factoring in real-estate properties, business holdings, the standard of living and the substantial asset pool. The right legal...

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Is your spouse hiding assets during your divorce?

When your marriage ends, you have a right to your fair share of any marital property. In Texas, this generally means an equal share. Unfortunately, your spouse may attempt to hide assets during your divorce. It is important to recognize the warning signs of this...

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Fathers can strengthen their custody argument

Family experts believe that fathers have an essential part in contributing to the happiness and development of their children. This is true even when dad works outside the house and fills traditional father roles, such as being more involved in sports and outdoor...

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How do you divide art in a high-asset divorce?

When you are an avid art collector, one of the issues you may deal with upon divorce is deciding what to do with that artwork. You may be interested in keeping certain pieces, but depending on the assets you have and their values, you may not have that option. If you...

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